Jill & Proud Mom before Prom 2017
When I tell people that my daughter graduates high school this month, their first reaction is pity.
Isn’t it hard to watch her grow up and leave?
Aren’t you going to miss her?
Yes and yes.
My friends are sweet, but for me, organizing Jill’s graduation lunch in some ways is more stressful than the idea of her actually leaving the nest.
One reason I’m so used to the idea of her leaving is because I’ve been able to ease into it.
Jill applied to the University of Alabama on July 1, 2016, the first day applications opened.
By mid-July last summer, she’d been accepted with a full-ride scholarship before even starting her Senior Year of High School!
With the college pressure off, you can imagine the Senioritis my "poor" daughter has suffered all year.
But that isn’t to say she didn’t still have a lot of planning to do.
Roommates, dorms, college programs, sorority rush, multiple trips to Tuscaloosa....
With so much planning, I don’t blame Jill for having one foot out the door.
Both of my kids have always been independent (they've been doing their own laundry since middle school!), so I’m not that worried about Jill.
I suppose I should be more worried about us. Everyone tells me that driving away after dropping your child off at college is much harder than you think it will be.
Are you an empty nester? You may have been busy raising your children and neglected to get your estate in order, but now is the best time to speak with one of our attorneys!