“Good job, Kristen, keep it up!”
Wait, what?
I smiled.
I was running Saturday morning, trying to burn off my Thanksgiving dinner, and listening to an interval running class on the Peloton app. It was a replay of a prerecorded class but hey, still motivating as heck.
Turns out that there happened to be a “Kristen” who took the class live. Hence, the shout-out to “me.”
Crazy Amy’s Peloton bike was delivered last week and I am green with envy. Well, not exactly envy; more like suffering from FOMO (fear of missing out).
[If you are new to these posts, Crazy Amy is my crazy girlfriend who you’ll often hear about with whom I run ultra trail marathon races in the woods, the mountains, etc.]
Crazy Amy on her new Peloton bike.
Not one to be left behind, I pulled the trigger myself and ordered my own workout stationary bike. Not a Peloton but another brand that offers prerecorded workout classes. ETA is by New Years. I cannot wait to start riding!
But in the meantime, I downloaded the Peloton app on my phone and started test-driving some of their classes, both live and prerecorded.
I must admit, although you pay a premium for the Peloton brand, there is a lot to be said for the Peloton community.
So too with the Yoga With Adriene community.
Both online communities have loyal fans who love the brand and who rabidly support one another.
In some ways, community has been sidetracked with COVID. Large, live community gatherings are either canceled or discouraged.
On the other hand, online communities like Peloton, Yoga With Adriene, and other social media groups, are thriving.
Which got me thinking on a rainy Sunday afternoon that My Pink Lawyer® clients are a pretty cool bunch as well. You all just don’t know one another and for those of you who want to connect, I’d like to change that.
I’m open to connection ideas but it’s going to start with me staying in better touch with you, with your permission of course.
If you opt in, expect more connections points from me, including an upcoming magazine delivered to your mailbox and a new resources page on our website featuring your business.
I’m open to other ideas as well to connect more deeply with one another.
After all, physical isolation does not have to equate to social isolation as well.
So, if you’re ready to connect more deeply, fill out any form on our website or reply to this email and tell me you want to be included in the upcoming magazine mailing from our office.
Signing off for now but not for good. My “live” yoga class on the Peloton app is starting soon.
Kristen “Ready to Reconnect” Marks