Man, I’m feeling surprisingly good, I thought to myself.
Knees don’t hurt. Feet feel good. No soreness in my quads or hamstrings.
Maybe all of my 50K training is paying off.
I was four miles into this past weekend’s Double Bridge Run and was headed up the Three Mile Bridge. I was looking down, just focusing on placing one foot in front of the other as I grinded up that massive hill.
My experience this race was a far cry from my first one four years ago when my then seventh grade son and I entered on a whim with no training whatsoever. I wanted to prove to myself then that I could finish a 15K. Never mind that my longest run to date was a 5K.
I must admit that I was pretty much dying the entire race that year. I was super slow (no surprise there) and my legs hurt like a mother trucker.
Drew finished with 8:30 minute miles which I thought was pretty darn respectable for a 12 year old with no training.
He told me he was feeling pretty good about his time as he was headed up the Pensacola Bay Bridge hump when a guy wearing a Fred Flintstone costume running barefoot blasted by him. With a sardonic smile, my son said that was a little demoralizing.
Although I finished with a time six minutes slower than my last Double Bridge run a couple years ago, I was very pleased with my pacing and how good I felt both during and after the race. I wasn’t limping around like I am after a long trail run. I suppose the free beer post-race party may have helped!
I actually formed a women’s running team that launched in January, Team My Pink Lawyer®. There are six of us on the team, everyone faster than me, which is great because our team (based on the top five finishers, sans me of course) placed 2nd out of 8 women’s teams entered in the Double Bridge Run this year.
In racing (unless you are running as a group), everyone runs their own race.
So too with Family Succession Planning, every family has (or should have) their own unique estate plan to protect their loved ones.
The family succession plan that works well for your neighbor using a variety of estate planning tools like a living revocable trust, may not work well for your family.
As I do not compare my running times or race strategy to anyone else on our team, you should not compare your estate plan to your friends, family, or neighbors.
Working with a trusted and reputable estate planning professional, together you will custom craft a great family succession plan that works for YOUR UNIQUE CIRCUMSTANCES.
***Shameless Plug***
If you are not already working with a trusted Florida estate planning attorney, I’d love to meet you. You can schedule your Family Succession Strategy Session using the link below or call the office.
***Now back to our regular programming***
Our big race, the Blackwater 50K, is less than two weeks away. Although it won’t be any cakewalk, I believe we (Crazy Amy, Crazy Jessica, and myself) are ready.
Amy’s husband and Andrew are already conscripted to be our pit crew at each aid station.
Having trained for the last eleven weeks, we have custom crafted our game plan for the race. Start off slow and remain steady, focusing on one aid station to the next.
Now, if I can just convince my now eleventh grade son to join me on my next race. Maybe he would see Barney Rubble this time!
Kristen “Sticking to Her Plan” Marks