Well, I finally did it.
I registered for my first 50k trail race (31 miles in case you’re working the math).
Me racing in a local 5K recently
Am I crazy? Actually, I say my friend, “Crazy Amy”, is even crazier than me since I was able to talk her into my hairbrained idea.
Amy hasn’t been told that she can’t run that far.
I have and believe me, I don’t forget that sh..*., uh, stuff.
Why do I run?
And not just run, but want to run insanely long distances?
I actually don’t like to run.
I am not a runner.
But why let a little detail like that deter me?
I run far because it makes me feel empowered and strong.
I run far to show myself that I can do something that I did not think I do.
I run far because I want to show others that I can do something that they didn’t think that I could do. I know. Mature, right?
Regardless of the reason, running is something that I can control.
As a control freak and both my kids soon out of the house, I’ve found solace in an activity that is still MINE. Something I have total control over.
***You too have total control over the Family Succession Plans you put into place. Don’t waste that control by failing to plan.***
Our 12 week training plan for the 50k begins in one week with our warm-up race, the Blackwater Half Marathon next Saturday.
I’ve already warned my husband that I won’t be seeing much of him on weekend mornings since our plan calls for anywhere from 10-25 miles of trail running each Saturday and Sunday.
I have no desire to finish fast or even place in my age group.
I just want to finish within the official time limit.
Like my clients tell me when we finish their estate plans, I will feel a sense of relief and satisfaction knowing it’s done.
And then, when I awake the following morning after sleeping in for the first time in three months, I’m sure I will be scouring the internet looking for the next race.
And hopefully talking “Crazy Amy” into registering as well!
Kristen “Don’t Ever Doubt Me” Marks
P.S. Attention parents! Mark your calendars for this Tuesday’s Facebook Live broadcast. Details are on our Facebook page.
P.P.S. Did you miss our Facebook Live broadcast on becoming Guardian for Your Special Needs Adult Child? No problem. You can watch the video now by clicking here.