“Wow, I can’t believe how good I feel,” I thought to myself, as I walked around the room at my Rolfer’s office two days following my 50K race.
Sure, my muscles were a little sore but no worse than a tough workout or any other long training run.
I was amazed that the pain in my hip and knees were gone from the race when they were screaming just two days before.
I was diligent about visiting Sharalee every week in the ten weeks leading up to the race to get my body aligned and “tuned up” so to speak. Obviously the investment of my time paid off because I bounced back so quickly.
You may recall from an earlier email that Sharalee (strongly) suggested that I not wear high heels which was a HUGE sacrifice for me. There went half of my work wardrobe which only look good with heels!
Most people have never heard of Rolfing but here’s a quick rundown of what it is according to the Rolf Institute, the only accredited institution to teach Rolfing techniques:
“The body is inherently a system of seamless network of tissues rather than a collection of separate parts. These connective tissues surround, support and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs. Rolfing Structural Integration works on this web-like complex of connective tissues to release, realign and balance the whole body, thus potentially resolving discomfort, reducing compensations and alleviating pain.
Essentially, the Rolfing process enables the body to regain the natural integrity of its form, thus enhancing postural efficiency and your freedom of movement.”
I know, it can sound kind of “whoo whoo” to some folks, but I’m a firm believer in the process.
Sharalee was my miracle worker several years ago when I injured my Achilles tendon after a run. After hobbling around for a few weeks despite diligent ice and rest, I knew I had to seek some relief.
I had met Sharalee at a networking event and liked her. What the heck, I thought. Seeing Sharalee will either work or it won’t but I was willing to try anything at that point. And after just one session, I was pain free again.
One of the things I love about Sharalee, besides knowing the bejeezes about the body and how it works, is that she is not pushy. She educates, offers tangible suggestions, but does not push you into any sort of treatment plan.
With this huge race looming, I decided to commit to a 10 session complete body alignment. It obviously worked because I am pain-free today. In fact, I had clients earlier this week who commented that they couldn’t believe I wasn’t hobbling around the office.
Although you didn’t ask, I would highly suggest giving Sharalee a call if you have pain when you move. For the price of a long massage, I think you will be pleasantly surprised. And she offers free phone consultations.
So, I’m taking the week off from any exercise to let my body fully recover even though I don’t feel any pain.
I’m also sneaking in some low heels this week (shh, don’t tell Sharalee) but to be honest, I’m kind of afraid to go back to high heels for fear they will throw my body out of whack again.
After all, our next 50K is this summer!
Kristen “Still Missing High Heels” Marks
P.S. If you want to chat with my Rolfer, Sharalee Hoelscher, her cell number is 850-450-8508. Shoot her a text or give her a buzz. I think you’ll really like her.