"Wow, I sure bet Andrew wishes he were here," I said in my half catatonic state lounging in the sun and sand on Pensacola Beach.
"I bet he does too," my husband's best friend replied. "Mind handing me another beer?"
Andrew & me at our wedding
It was two days after our wedding and I was spending the week with my husband's best college friend, William, on Pensacola Beach.
Unfortunately, Andrew did not have any time off so he was working.
I, on the other hand, had the week off and I was going to take full advantage of the beautiful summer weather in paradise.
Andrew, William and I would be attending another friend's wedding the following weekend in New Orleans so William came down early from Virginia to hang out.
Little did we plan for the two of us (William and me) to spend MY honeymoon together!
No, it wasn't the ideal honeymoon situation obviously but sometimes you must make do with the cards you're dealt.
William and I really did have fun together that week and the weather was gorgeous.
Andrew was envious of course but we all had fun hanging out in the evenings.
Oftentimes my clients feel the same way about the planning decisions they must make.
Their family situation may not be ideal.
They may have a child who is a spendthrift, an addict, or is having marital troubles.
They may have a greedy, trouble making family member who they are concerned about.
They may worry that their child will cash in their hard earned retirement assets early and pay exorbitant income taxes on the early cash-out, much more than necessary.
They may have a special needs loved one whose public assistance benefits they don't want to jeopardize.
They may have an estranged child or no children at all.
A large part of my job in advising clients is in brainstorming the best solution right now for their particular circumstances and family dynamics.
Sure, my clients may not be in the situation they want to be in. But we make do and move on.
We can always update the plan when their circumstances change.
A good plan today is better than no plan at all.
Now, don't feel too sorry for Andrew and me.
We took a belated honeymoon to Mexico two years into our marriage and we've been travelling almost every year since.
Kristen "Not Crying On Her Honeymoon" Marks
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