Wow, what is wrong with me?, I thought.
I was soooo tired and shuffling around the kitchen in a fog last Wednesday morning. I even had a bit of a headache and my tummy felt a little off.
I had been fighting a touch of a head cold for a week but I seemed to have taken a turn for the worse.
I had slept a full eight hours like the dead and had only one glass of wine the evening before so that couldn’t be the culprit.
It wasn’t until my atypical second cup of coffee that it hit me.
I had worn a melatonin patch to bed the night before for the first time. I had read good things about the benefits of melatonin helping you sleep.
Could it possible be that I was suffering from a Melatonin Hangover?
Andrew thought I was crazy because there was no way that melatonin could affect me like that. I wasn’t so sure...Nyquil has a similar effect on me.
Regardless, I had a full plate that day at the office with back to back appointments so going back to bed was not an option (or at least not an option that I would consider).
Sometimes you just have to buck up and do what you gotta do, regardless of how you feel.
Folks who Family Succession Plan can relate. Sometimes you just have to buck up and do what you gotta do to protect your loved ones, regardless of how you feel.
Family Succession Planning is one of best gifts you can give your loved ones. And a well-crafted Succession Plan is the last legacy you will leave them.
Here’s the link to schedule your Family Succession Planning Session with me if you are a Florida resident:
It took a few days for the melatonin to finally work it’s way out of my system.
I’m sleeping well enough and don’t plan to mess around with melatonin again anytime soon.
Andrew still thinks I’m nuts with my melatonin hangover theory but what else is new?
Kristen “Working Through a Hangover” Marks