I pulled into the Orange Theory parking lot on Saturday morning fifteen minutes before my 8am scheduled class.
That’s odd, I thought to myself. The parking lot is packed. Guess I won’t be able to snag myself a treadmill to start off after all.
My confusion continued as I stepped into the lobby. No one was there and everyone was already inside the studio working out!
What the…?
The gal at the front desk explained that my class was actually a 90-minute class that day and that it had started at 7:30am. Since I’m a regular, I was welcome to jump in and join the class late—on the rower, however.
Yikes! I threw on my heart rate monitor, grabbed my towel and water bottle and scooted into the gym. So much for my usual warm-up, mental preparation,and potty break before class!
Sometimes you just have to dive in with both feet and not think too much. If I had, I might’ve thought twice about jumping into a full-blown workout mid-stream on an apparatus that I despise.
Reminds me that Crazy Amy and I are back at it again. It is time to stop fiddle farting around.
We registered for the Pensacola Women’s Half Marathon in early November. A road marathon which I was not initially excited to run since the road is tough on my joints. But our first 50 MILE trail race is looming large in January and we need some incentive to start training again. Neither one of us has been running for several months.
I dragged my feet for weeks registering for the Women’s Half before I finally registered.
Then, just two days later, a friend mentioned that there is another Half Marathon on Pensacola Beach the day before the race I had registered for.
Oh, what the heck, I thought. I’m already gonna be dreading the Women’s Half Marathon anyway. What’s another half marathon the day before?! The training will be the same regardless.
I texted Crazy Amy and of course she was game to register for the other race too.
That’s what I love about your girlfriends. They’re always up to participate in your crazy-a** ideas with you. After all, with so much time off from racing, it’s time to re-earn our moniker of Crazy Amy & CraziER Kristen.
Sometimes you just gotta get off your duff and get your arse in gear on what you know needs to be done.
Whether that’s scheduling a consultation with your attorney to get your estate planning affairs in order or registering for that race so you have an incentive to start running again.
Training for those two half marathons ain’t gonna be pretty in this heat and on soon-to-be fifty year old legs.
But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right?!
Kristen “Finished Fiddle Farting Around” Marks
P.S. Our website is getting a facelift. Check out our new streamlined homepage here!
P.P.S. Click here to schedule your Estate & Legacy Planning Strategy Meeting with My Pink Lawyer®.