Did you know that your happiness level actually depends on how often you experience positive events, rather than how magically intense each event actually is?
Me either!
It makes sense though, right?
Think about the last time you had a bunch of small but positive experiences or moments sprinkled throughout your day.
That was a good day, wasn’t it?
Alternatively, reflect on the last HUGE party, event, vacation, etc. that you looked forward to.
Did it live up to your expectations?
I certainly hope it did, but research confirms that "When we aim for intense positive emotions, we evaluate our experiences against a higher standard, which makes it easier to be disappointed," writer Stephany Tlalka explains for Mindful.org.
So, how can you incorporate this idea and increase your daily “joy frequency”?
Think of a few small things/experiences/moments that bring you joy and strategically place them throughout your day.
Start small! A phone call with a friend, a run through your favorite park, a pedicure after a long week.
Then, think even smaller!
A new song on your playlist, your favorite smoothie for breakfast – start incorporating them to brighten even the most mundane of days.
As is the case with estate planning, small acts now can make a big impact in the long run.
Many young professionals think they don’t have enough to plan, and as a result, put off planning until they have more assets.
During our “building years” as we like to call them, it’s just as important to have a plan in place – albeit acknowledging that our basic plan will likely change as our assets and families grow.
After all, you may not have hit your goal in your savings account, or paid down that student debt as quickly as you would like, but you do have assets.
A basic estate plan can name guardians for your minor children, assess the structure of your financial accounts and insurance policies, and ensure that what you do have passes to the person(s) of your choosing should something happen to you.
Don’t delay your planning until you have “enough.”
When you meet with the attorneys at My Pink Lawyer®, we will recommend small steps you can take now that will have a major impact in the long run.
We will also present you with options – typically consisting of both lower cost and more complex alternatives – to choose from.
You will know exactly what you are paying thanks to our flat-fee billing. You will know exactly what your plan does and what you are working towards, and you will know exactly what you need to do when you get there.
Amanda “Finding Joy in the Little Things” Lynch Elliott
P.S. Click here to schedule your Estate & Legacy Planning Strategy Meeting with My Pink Lawyer®.