We were on our latest family adventure en route to go scalloping in Steinhatchee – an adorably quaint little town just East of Apalachicola, Florida – when my brother, Ray, announced that he was ordering from one online company instead of another because they offered…wait for it… a Gender Pay Gap Discount.
You read that right.
“A what?” was my response from the back seat.
With this particular company, he explained, women get a 10% discount to help remedy pay inequality.
The discount typically ranges from 10-20% among companies that offer such a concession.
Seriously, my brother is one of the most thoughtful people I know.
“In 2018, women earned 85% of what men earned, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers in the United States. Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 39 days of work for women to earn what men did in 2018.”
Because of his personal beliefs (that women should be paid the same as men for the same job), my brother opted to make his purchase from the company that offered this discount instead of purchasing the same item from the company that did not offer the discount.
This kind of inquisitive shopper – i.e. – someone who “looks beyond the label” is called a conscious consumer.
A conscious consumer makes decisions about where to make a purchase based on what the brand stands for, or in other words, what the company’s motive is.
According to Forbes, “When a company associates its brand with a cause, it gives consumers the chance to express their values with their money.”
While I try to be mindful of the companies that I support, support local businesses, and to align with a company’s ideologies before I spend money with them; admittedly, I could do better.
With online companies and wholesale stores that make shopping so easy you can basically shop on autopilot, practicing conscious consumerism just takes a bit of thoughtfulness.
Here are a few ways to become a more conscious consumer:
- Identify your values. Do you care about protecting the environment? Locally or fairly sourced goods? Fair wages and working conditions? Think about the kind of change you want to see and why you want to see it. Then, find companies that align accordingly.
- Ask questions. Do a little research on the company before you buy.
· Consult the “Buyerarchy of Needs” before purchasing material goods. (See graphic.)
· Support local businesses when possible… and it is always almost possible.
Fortunately, you don’t have to dive too deep into My Pink Lawyer® to figure out what the brand is all about.
With hundreds of online reviews chronicling past clients’ experiences with the firm, the words “respect,” “kindness,” and “empowering” are prevalent, as are “organized,” “knowledgeable,” “professional,” and “efficient.”
The attorneys and staff at My Pink Lawyer® strive to break down barriers between the legal profession and clients – educating, supporting, and empowering women throughout the estate planning process.
We believe that estate planning should be accessible to everyone, not just the wealthy, and offer practical strategies for clients of all income brackets and demographics.
If you’re ready to cross estate planning off of your to-do list and share similar sentiments, book your strategy session here.
In life and in estate planning, a little thoughtfulness can go a long way.
Amanda “Cultivating Consciousness” Lynch Elliott
P.S. Our last workshop of the year is a FREE LUNCH WORKSHOP at the Fish House in downtown Pensacola on Thursday, December 12th, 2019. Call the office to RSVP. The workshop is almost filled to capacity and an RSVP is required for your attendance. 850-439-1191